Use "frail|frailer|frailest" in a sentence

1. Human nature is frail.

2. He is frail after his illness.

3. Careful: that chair's rather frail!

4. She looked old and frail.

5. She looked frail and shrunken.

6. But human culture is disturbingly frail.

7. His mother was doddering and frail.

8. Flesh is so frail - except yours, Joe!

9. A fierce storm engulfed the frail ship.

10. Many old people become mentally frail.

11. They would grow into frail and colorless women.

12. It looked too frail for his hand.

13. His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.

14. Synonyms for Crispier include brittler, crumblier, crisper, shorter, flakier, crunchier, harder, crustier, fragiler and frailer

15. Antonyms for Burlier include punier, leaner, slighter, sparer, thinner, weaker, weedier, frailer, infirmer and lighter

16. Increasingly, negative attitudes are towards older, frailer people,[] who are now the main victims of ageism.

17. There are exercises which even frail people can do.

18. Look at the many-Cicatrised frail vine, none more scarred and frail, Yet see him fling himself abroad in fresh abandon

19. The frail craft rocked as he clambered in.

20. Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.

21. 18 During the merciless heat of noon one of the frailer females collapsed, far from any possible shelter.

22. The frail web of human perceptions was laid bare.

23. The gallery is frail, the roof in fair condition.

24. Bedsores can be a serious problem among frail older adults.

25. A frail, thirteen-year-old girl, Helen Burns, befriends Jane.

26. Look at the many-Cicatrised frail vine, none more scarred and frail, Yet see him fling himself abroad in fresh abandon From the small wound-stump

27. Graham had been in frail health since suffering spinal meningitis in 1995.

28. Mr. Lorrimer's voice, frail and querulous, was bleating at the other end.

29. 1; adjective Brittled easily damaged or destroyed; fragile; frail: a brittle marriage

30. Yet in other moments he seems petulant , tentative and even frail.

31. It was sad to see the once-great man looking so frail.

32. In his rare public appearances, the crown prince looks frail and distracted.

33. She's still very frail and will need lots of tender loving care.

34. The arm, uplifted in a cheery wave, is bony, frail, almost opalescent.

35. Suddenly, I heard a frail crying sound, like bleat of a small lamb.

36. Her 18.1 inch guns could have created havoc among frail landing craft.

37. He may well have been too old and frail by that time.

38. The boy was frail and never ganged with his fellows at school.

39. 23 synonyms for Anaemic: pale, weak, dull, frail, feeble, wan, sickly, bloodless, colourless, infirm

40. Health is operationalized in three statuses: ADL-dependent, ADL-independent frail, and robust.

41. It seemed impossible that these frail boats could survive in such a storm.

42. We are frail, penny-pinching, well-bundled and preoccupied with our small concerns.

43. Bluish is weak and frail, but she also wants to be independent and respected

44. In fact, some of the sweetest spirits are housed in frail or imperfect bodies.

45. 20 Admittedly, Christians are frail earthen vessels entrusted with the glorious treasure of the ministry.

46. She looked at Susan and saw with a pang how tired and frail she seemed.

47. My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by.

48. Despite her frail appearance, Jocasta Nu was known as a firebrand among the Jedi.

49. And her frail brother bravely struggled from his sick bed to be best man.

50. The desalination emotion, the far cordiality, the false code cannot block from the frail heart.

51. You don't have to be frail or have failing health to talk with an Aps Specialist.

52. After Father died in 1979, I cared for Mother, who became progressively more frail and helpless.

53. Although the idea of eternity seems beyond the understanding of frail humans, Jehovah fully understands it.

54. He held ministerial positions in many Christian Democrat governments from 1944 onward, despite his frail physique.

55. Because Dunhuang Grotto locates the Gobi area havingatrOcious weather, muras are threatened andtO be very frail.

56. Synonyms for Breakable include delicate, fragile, frail, frangible, brittle, crumbly, flimsy, friable, destructible and insubstantial

57. I last saw him just last week and thought how old and frail he looked.

58. Both of them noticed with shock how alarmingly thin she was, frail to the point of vanishing.

59. The clearest evidence for this is the dearth of people keen to work with frail older people.

60. Thinking of the frail figure sitting in the gloomy room at the sanatorium, trusting the great Bonanza.

61. Where in the world would the needle go in with such a frail arm like this?

62. You choose an expensive lab test, you choose to operate on an old and frail patient.

63. After a 13-month stint, the wheezing and frail Chernenko died in March 1985 at age

64. 20 She looked at Susan and saw with a pang how tired and frail she seemed.

65. Some frail-looking strands are proportionately stronger than steel, tougher than the fibers in a bulletproof vest.

66. Aunt Margaret, frail as a pressed flower, seemed too cowed by his presence even to look at him.

67. Unmarried and now in her 50’s, she is frail and has very little in a material way.

68. They were light, frail barks called Caravels, and two of them, the _Pinta_ and _Nina_, had no …

69. Even females suffering from anorexia nervosa tend to view their thin, frail bodies as fat and unsightly.

70. People are so goddamn frail, they'd rather put a coin in a wishing well than buy dinner.

71. There was one hold-up after another and all the time Clift became more and more frail.

72. I accept that he's old and frail; be that as it may, he's still a good politician.

73. You hardly need me to tell you that your father is still very frail and must not be upset.

74. 22 She got too frail to take care of him at home, and he was put in a nursing home.

75. Antonyms for Backboned include milk-and-water, weak, wishy-washy, wimpish, characterless, effete, frail, invertebrate, limp-wristed and namby-pamby

76. Finding the old man extremely frail with exertion, Hodson bid the Emperor take rest under a shady tree and accept refreshment.

77. Jairo was trapped in a frail body that jerked continually, but he could have a bright, solid hope for the future.

78. Huddled beneath her ermine mantle and surrounded by her ladies, serving girls, and knights, the southron queen seemed a frail, pale, shrunken thing.

79. Ageist beliefs may be especially harmful during the COVID-19 pandemic, when messages about older people as frail and vulnerable are rampant

80. A frail old man could become so completely restored that he could resume "all manly exercises ... take a new wife and beget more children."